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Synergy Placement Agency’s temp-to-hire program can assist your company in locating or retaining a great employee without having to incur all the cost of bringing them on to your payroll. It is like a ”try before you buy” program, that will ensure you have made the right decision on your new temporary employee. This temp-to-hire program also offers our clients the chance to appreciate their assigned employees so much that they may want to hire them. This service can also be used to provide a trial period that tests the “competency and intangible skills” of a candidate before that person becomes a direct hire employee. If you have identified a potential employee on your own, we can assist you by having them put on our “payroll” until you decide whether you would like to convert them over to your staff.
Advantages of Synergy’s Temp-to-Hire Program:
No need to make an immediate hiring decision
No down time is lost in finding the right candidate for the position
The employee’s work habits are actually verified on the job.
The personality traits of the employee is viewed to ensure a good employee “fit”with your companies environment
If and when you decide to bring them on to your payroll the employee is already familiar with your business culture
The need for additional testing, screening, training, and interviewing is reduced or eliminated